Mission Point- Belize Update

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Port Loyola Calvary Chapel – Belize City

Philippians 1:8-9 “For God is my witness, how I yearn for you all with the affection of Christ Jesus.  And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment,”

The Last two months has been hectic to say the least. We are working diligently in deeds and in prayer to see the people in our community come to know the Lord as we express his love towards them. Our Sunday morning worship service continues to be a blessing to the congregation. We continue to be faithful to the calling of preaching the truth of scripture to the people that the Lord brings our way. We have seen three new faces joining us in fellowship over the last two months. We are praying and hoping that the message of the gospel will take root in their hearts and that they will be transformed for the glory of God. Our youths are becoming more and more consistent with their attendance to youth group and to church on Sunday. We have come to realize that given the opportunity; they are willing to go above and beyond to help with any church activity that they are needed for. Over the last few months, we have seen the youths grow in their desire for the things of the Lord. Please pray that as they are being ministered too, their faith will grow and overflow into their families.

Our children’s ministry is improving. In July we had the privilege of hosting a short-term mission team from Calvary Chapel south and Calvary Chapel Edmonds. The team was a tremendous blessing to us as they hosted a 4-days VBS for the kids in the neighborhood around the church. We spent time walking the neighborhood and personally invited the kids to our VBS. The turnout was satisfying. Quite a few of the kids who visited VBS has continued to show up on Sundays for our regular Sunday school. Please pray for them, as they are living in a rough place and must battle many lies as they seek the truth of the gospel to be saved.

For the entire month of August, the Southside of Belize City, where Port Loyola Calvary Chapel (PLCC) is located, was under a State Of Emergency as declared by the government. This was put in place after numerous shootings and murders happened in the area. You can be praying for peace among these who only know war and believe devaluing the lives of others is the way to go. Many of the gang member have been arrested by the police department as a way of trying to decrease the crime in the area, but it doesn’t seem to be as effective as they wanted it to be. Please be praying for the leadership of PLCC as well. It is our heart to minister to those in the community especially those who are in the gangs. We ask that you pray for discernment as we desire to see all of them be saved and join the fellowship but at the same time, we don’t want to put the congregation in danger by bringing the gang members in. We know that the Lord will open a door for us to do this in a safe peaceful way, so we don’t want to miss the opportunity. Please pray for our discernment, wisdom, and bravery.

Galilee Gospel Chapel – Gales Point Manatee

Mark 10:45 “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.”

In Gales Point we kicked off the summer by demolishing the old parsonage behind the Galilee Gospel church as we plan to rebuild it. We had a team from Higher Hopes Church in New York that came to assist us with this endeavor. We were able to demolish the building and got everything removed in two days. The team also served the community by providing much needed medical supplies to assist the community nurse in caring for the people. They put on a work for food day which brought out over 50 community members to clean the community center.

In August we had a team from True Light Missionary Baptist Church in Houston Texas, come and serve us. This group provided many services to the community. They hosted a 4-days VBS for the kids, a hair clinic for the ladies, and did revival services during the night. They also did home visits with a few nurses that were on the team and gave small first-aid kits to every home in the community. On their last night in the village after the revival services they blessed every family with a 2-week supply of groceries.

Bethels Global Reach (BGR) also sent a team down to serve us this summer. During their visit they were able to put on a hair braiding and hair cutting clinic for all the school kids. It was a blessing to see all the kids receive a much-needed haircut and getting their hair braided as they got ready for school the next day. This group from BGR was given the honor to pray for the kids and lead them in a devotion on their first day of the new school year. We spent time in the classrooms helping the teachers as well as repairing the broken desks and chairs at the school. We also noted a 3-day VBS and 3 nights of revival services.

Both teams from Houston brought much needed school supplies that were distributed to the kids and teachers in the village.

We must say that our new parsonage building is well on its way and the only hold back is funding. We have many village men assisting with the construction of this new building. We can’t wait to see it completed.

To all the churches that have partnered with us, We cannot thank you enough for your love and generosity. For your time taken to come serve us here in Belize. And we look forward to seeing you guys again as we continue to serve those who are the least of these. Please be praying that the Lord will keep us strong in his service. That the Gospel will continue to be proclaimed, and that hearts will be opened to the good news of Jesus Christ.

Pastor Kenneth Welch

Port Loyola Calvary Chapel

Galilee Gospel Chapel

Belize Mission Partner

Currently LifePoint is supporting Pastor Kenny through our Big Give efforts – Christmas in Belize Fundraiser. ALL funds go to support the 130 children in Gales Point have a Merry Christmas and hear the story of Jesus birth. You can donate through the LifePointAZ app or drop a donation in any of the bins at LifePoint, labeled The Big Give – Belize.

LifePoint will be serving in Belize March of 2025, a Couples Mission, must be a married couple to serve. We will be hosting a Marriage Retreat for 10 Belizean Couples that Pastor Kenny identifies as leaders within both of his churches, as well as providing a service project to the school and church in the village. If you are interested in learning more about future mission trips to Belize or joining the one in 2025, please follow the link below and fill out the interest form.
