Missions and Outreach Ministry
LifePoint's Mission is to help people become fully-devoted followers of Christ through intentionally Serving, Giving, & Caring for our neighbors.
The Great Commission, Matthew 28, 17-20
“And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
There’s a calling for believers to step out into the mission field in some form whether it is internationally with our global partners or in our own backyard with our local and national ministries. Here at LifePoint our role is to support you in that calling. As such we offer opportunities to serve and lead in the areas known as our Four Pillars:
- Global/Local Missions & Outreach
- Community
- Teaching
- Discipleship
If you would like more information about joining or leading a local, national, global mission, or joining an outreach team click on the link above to fill out the interest form or contact us at Missions@LifePointAZ.com
Global Partners
Philippines – Barner Christian Academy | Father's House Facility
Barner Christian Academy of Davao City, Philippines primary goal is character development through the knowledge of Jesus Christ as revealed in the Bible. Stress is placed upon developing the God-given talents and abilities of the child through a program which is committed to maximizing the full potential of each precious child. Father’s House Facility (FHF) was incorporated and is run by Barner Christian Academy (BCA). Currently LifePoint Church supports three children each year at the Barner Christian Academy | Father’s House Facility. This sponsorship spans two ministries: schooling by BCA and room and boarding by FHF.
Haiti - Haitian Christian Ministries
Haitian Christian Ministries (HCM) exists to bring transformation to Northern Haiti through the message of Jesus Christ. The belief is that the hope found in Christ alone has the power to transform lives, families, and communities…. even a nation. Despite all the chaos, corruption, fear, and lack of resources, HCM is still building church plants in a voodoo infested nation, sharing the gospel, and being the light of Jesus wherever they go. The HCM board of directors upholds Pastor Bobanoit Lucceus (Pastor Bob) and his wife Rose so that they can continue to minister to the people in all of their communities.
Belize - Kenneth Welch
Pastor Kenneth Welch and his family oversee and Pastors two churches in Belize. One is in Belize City, Port Loyola Calvary Chapel, and the second is located in the remote Village of Gales Point Manatee, Galilee Gospel Chapel. Pastor Kenny was introduced to LifePoint Church through the lead Pastor of Living Streams Church, David Stockton. David spent a year in Belize to disciple and build up spiritual leaders to help with bringing the two churches back from being closed. Pastor Kenny is now the lead Pastor for both churches and work in partnership with LifePoint Church in continuing to grow disciples and build spiritual leaders in these communities. There is opportunity to serve in short-term mission trips and to support Pastor Kenny’s outreach efforts through the annual Christmas in Belize – Big Give Fundraiser.
Puerto Rico - Dream Center Esperanza
Puerto Rico has faced numerous challenges in recent years, including devastating hurricanes and earthquakes. Dream Center Esperanza is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to help Puerto Rico by providing hope to the hopeless. We are dedicated to providing resources and support to those who are struggling with homelessness, hunger, and a lack of education. Our goal is to empower the people of Puerto Rico through spiritual healing, poverty alleviation programs, and access to community resources.
Indonesia - Indopartners
Reaching the unreached people of Indonesia for Christ. The primary ways we are focused on reaching Indonesians are through using digital evangelism to share the gospel and guide them to the truth about Jesus. We are increasingly shifting towards a digital strategy as that seems to be having the greatest impact. As well as working with teams of trained, Indonesian church planters to see churches planted among unreached people.
Mexico - My 360 Project
My360Project provides needed shoes to children around the globe while offering sustainable jobs for artisans who craft the unique shoes. Washing the children’s feet opens a connection to the their heart. Jesus left us a beautiful example by washing His disciples’ feet. Yet even before He washed their feet, there was a woman who came to wash His. Servanthood is the key for a person to be released from poverty. LifePoint currently partners with My360 on missions to Mexico.
National Partners
US Disaster Relief - Samaritan's Purse
Samaritan’s Purse North American Ministries responds quickly when natural disasters strike, deploying an army of volunteers to come alongside homeowners to bring relief and compassion in Jesus’ Name. After sharing the story of the Good Samaritan, Jesus said “Go and do likewise.” That is the mission of Samaritan’s Purse—to follow the example of Christ by helping those in need and proclaiming the hope of the Gospel. With natural disasters occurring in the US each year, Samaritan’s Purse has a need for volunteers on a regular basis to support ongoing disaster relief efforts across the nation.
Local Partners
Compassion Connect Youth Mentoring
Our youth mentoring work began in 2011 as a result of the unfortunate discovery that many of the sex trafficking and exploration survivors we served had mothers and even grandmothers who had been exploited, and they feared the same fate for their children. As an organization focused on uniting Jesus followers to address significant community issues, we knew this was a huge opportunity for the Church to come alongside youth in vulnerable situations to prevent trafficking and offer not just physical freedom but the ultimate liberty found in Christ.
Arizona Reservation Ministry
We provide God’s ARMs around the San Carlos Apache Reservation. Those ARMs provide the shoulder for someone to cry on. The hands to pray, provide food, clothing, build a new home or remodel a broken one, help a child learn to rollerblade, baptize them, sort school items, stuff backpacks and Christmas stockings, serve food and pray over Apache pastors and their wives. We provide our ARMs, as well as our hearts as God leads, to come alongside the San Carlos Apache Nation so that they will know of God’s great love for them, and add their ARMs to this process as well.
March For Life - Arizona
We promote the beauty and dignity of every human life by working to end abortion—uniting, educating, and mobilizing pro-life people in the public square. LifePoint’ s stance is “We Love Them Both”, the mother and the baby. We share support and resources for the mother, and by that, supporting the baby. Each year you have the opportunity to show your support to this outreach by Marching in Phoenix.
Youth Haven
Our mission is to provide life-changing, Christ-centered experiences for disadvantaged children. We do this through both on-site and off-site programs all year long. We love having the kids with us for our camps and retreats! And when they aren’t on site, we’re meeting their needs and sharing God’s love through care packages, letters and cards, mailed activities, a full online ministry, and more. All of this is provided to disadvantaged children free of charge.
Healing Hands Medical Clinic
Healing Hands is a non-profit medical clinic focused on providing family practice and acute medical care to those in need. We are a mobile clinic, which will allow us to reach more individuals who have hardships due to lack of resources or poor access to medical care. Our mission is to provide high quality medical care to all individuals while incorporating prayer along with a holistic and conventional approach. We desire to show Christ’s love to those who are sick and hurting.
Hope Women's Center - Coolidge
For over 38 years, Hope Women’s Center has provided a safe haven for at-risk women and girls across Arizona to get back on their feet. The Coolidge center serves women in Coolidge, Florence, Casa Grande, and surrounding communities.
Paladin Sports Outreach
Paladin is a non-denominational, Christian-based, nonprofit organization serving small children, youth, and adults through sports and recreational outreach.
Vineyard Pregnancy Center
We are here to walk alongside new moms and dads in Queen Creek and San Tan Valley. Think you might be pregnant? Maybe you don’t know what to do? A teen mom possibly? Do you need some help and support with your new life situation? The Vineyard Community Pregnancy Center’s purpose is to encourage, educate and equip you with the resources you need to have a happy, healthy pregnancy and parenting experience. We tailor our confidential pregnancy tests and class services to your point of need. Whether you are just finding out you are pregnant or suspect you might be, or your newborn is already here, we can help.
LifeCare is a volunteer-run ministry of LifePoint Church. LifeCare looks to serve members of the San Tan Valley community by providing no-cost small home repairs, one-time yard clean-ups, minor vehicle repairs, and other odd jobs for those that cannot physically and financially take care of the needs themselves.
Compassion Queen Creek
Each year, LifePoint Church supports and serves the breakfast for this amazing community event, which our mission partner, Compassion Connect Queen Creek, hosts. Attendees of this event receive much needed medical and social services. There are opportunities to evangelize and pray over the attendees. We need volunteers to serve breakfast and help show our neighbors the love of Jesus!
Community Picnic
Our Annual Community Picnic provides the church an opportunity to serve our neighbors and show them the love of Jesus at this family outreach event. We invite everyone to come and visit while providing a free meal, games, bounce houses, petting zoo and so much more. We invite our local missions partners to host informational tables and provide a children’s game at this event. Follow the link to join the efforts.
Vacation Bible School (VBS)
Luke 17: 2 “It would be better for them to be thrown into the sea with a millstone tied around their neck than to cause one of the little ones to stumble.”
If you have a great passion placed on your heart by our Father to raise up the next generation, then this outreach ministry is for you. Each year we invite the children of the San Tan Valley to join us for VBS that we hold for a week in June. This is a time of outreach, evangelism, and discipleship for ages of kindergarten to 6th grade, with a whole lot of fun mixed in too.
The Big Give
Each October through November its ‘Tis the season to GIVE BIG! The Big Give is LifePoint’s yearly holiday giving program. This is an opportunity for the church body to give blessings to our missions and ministry partners through the holiday season. There are four areas to participate in and you choose which area is best for your family to give towards.
Giving Tree – These efforts help to support our local ministry partners. Take a tag from our Giving Tree, shop for the needed items on the tag, and return your unwrapped gift with the tag attached.
Christmas In Belize Fundraiser – These efforts support our global mission partner, Pastor Kenneth Welch in Belize. Our goal is to raise $3,000 each season to support approximately 130 children in the remote village of Gales Point Manatee, Belize.
Operation Christmas Child – These efforts support our national mission partner, Samaritan’s Purse. Pick up a shoebox in the lobby then return your filled shoebox with the shipping fee to help support the unreached people groups of the world.
Christmas Eve Blessings Service – Join us for our Christmas Eve Service on December 24th. At this special service, we collect an offering that we then bless our various missions and ministry partners with through LifePoint’s tithes to them.
Movie on the Lawn
This is LifePoint’s largest attended outreach event! Each November we invite all of San Tan Valley to this event and the church treats them to a night of food, fun, activites, and a movie on our lawn. Our volunteers that serve at this event say this is the most fun they have serving year over year.
Paladin Team710
LifePoint, in collaboration with Paladin Team710, offers outreach occasions four times yearly. While on the Paladin sports field we share information about our church, its ministries, services, and our community outreach events. We welcome players and their families, offer prayer, distribute Bibles, and provide encouragement.
Support LifePoint Missions by Shopping Our Merch Shop
Find merchandise that supports and represents LifePoint Missions and the LifeCare Ministry. A portion of all sales goes towards LifePoints Missions and Outreach partners.