LifeCare at LifePoint

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As you know, the LifeCare ministry serves as a volunteer-run outreach ministry to help those in need within our community. Carlos Aguirre, like many of us, leads a very busy life but felt called to share his time and talents. We want to share his testimony with you as to how he came to serve and lead in the LifeCare Ministry.

I first heard of the Life Care ministry at the Men’s breakfast meeting that is held once a month. I showed up one morning and after the devotional, Dave made the announcement. Volunteers were needed for a few service projects that day. The timing was perfect. I had recently been convicted to find a way to serve. He explained how this outreach depends solely on volunteers giving up some of their valuable time. And one thing I did have a lot of was time. Please note that I am a family man and I have always been very selfish with my time. But that morning I heard the call, God said go help your neighbors.

Serving with Life Care has been one of the most rewarding experiences for me personally. Not only did I get to serve but I got to connect and create new relationships with other Men in the church. It has been a little over a year since I started volunteering. Now, going out in the community to serve as the hands and feet of Jesus alongside my brothers in Christ is one of the things I look forward to the most.

Carlos Aguirre