The Overseers & Deacons

Lifepointaz   -  

Good day church, it will be great to be back with you this Sunday, I am looking forward to sharing in our time of corporate worship, prayer, scripture reading, and communion. I am reminded on my days when I am not preaching and unable to attend a church service, how much I miss that weekly interaction. There is something healing to your soul and refreshing to being filled up and serving out of an overflow, rather than relying on my own strength or knowledge.

This week we will be following up Chad’s Sermon on the Covenant of Communion and talk about the purpose of church leadership and structure. When we introduced the idea of covenant almost 2 years ago, our hearts were settled on connecting in a more meaningful way with those who would call LifePoint home and bring accountability and stability to a family of people more than 1,000 strong. Through the idea of covenantal relationship, we wanted to bring accountability to our pastors and elders to be shepherding, teaching, and serving those God has brought to us. I believe we have seen a great improvement in calls, check-ins, updates, visits, and general knowledge of where many of our covenant people are. While we always have room for improvement and look forward to the coming months to shepherd in a more meaningful way, I believe the steps taken have been fruitful.

If you have not taken the step to be in covenant at LifePoint, but consider this your home, I would ask that you take the time to setup a meeting with one of our elders, or pastors and share any concerns you have or ask any questions you might have. As a non-denominational church our unity will not be set by a predetermined handbook, but rather through the reading of the word, the understanding that comes through the Holy Spirit and the humility to submit our own personal agendas and desires for worship. I can tell you personally, and as an elder board I have witnessed the leadership of this church do exactly that. We are not a board of men who all come from the same denomination or backgrounds and yet meet every month and leave in unity of Spirit for the good of the Kingdom of God.

See you Sunday.


Nathan Bentley