
Lifepointaz   -  

Many of us are conditioned to believe that we are more successful by ourselves, and do not require the assistance of others. The gospel, and all Scripture for that matter, reinforces the fact that we were made for community. God did not create us to live in isolation, but as people who share the joys of living with others. As Christians, the primary way we can live in a community with others is through our connection in the church, and how we can best go out and serve others in that same area.

Community is mentioned all throughout the Bible. I think of Hebrews 10: 24-25, Romans 12: 1-8, and Acts 2: 42-47 as all highlights where God is talking about how to engage in community. Let’s be honest though, we each have our own idea and perception of what community actually is and looks like. That’s because they differ and vary from one to the next. The amazing thing is the gospel covers all, no matter the look, feel, identity, location, beliefs, and culture of that community.

We are called to connect, engage and be a part of the place God calls us to be in. I hope to see you this Sunday as we unpack LifePoint’s vision of how we want to be a light and blessing in the place God has given us.

Pastor Blake Wilsford