New Sermon Series: The Gifts Have Been Given

Nathan Bentley   -  

Sermon Series: The Gifts Have Been Given

Sermon Title: Working Together

This Sunday we will begin a new series centered around the gifts of the Holy Spirit.  In the first letter to the Corinthian church the apostle Paul addresses these gifts given by the Holy Spirit to the people of God. He then goes on to talk about the diversity of the gifts and the importance of being in unity with one another so that the church could function properly and be effective for the Kingdom of God.

Today, the gifts of the spirit seem to bring a lot of confusion and misunderstanding, which can lead to Christians either abusing them or just ignoring them altogether. My hope and prayer for this series is that the Lord will use these teachings to help us better understand the impartation of the gifts, use of the gifts and effectiveness of the gifts being used in unity with one another.

Take some time this week and read 1 Corinthians 12, ask the Lord to reveal to you the gift or gifts He’s placed in you. If you already know your gifting, then seek the Lord for where to use it in the community and church He has placed you. If you are already using your gift where God has placed you, then ask the Lord for wisdom to help another in finding their gifting.

Imagine a watch, this watch has hundreds of cogs, pins and wheels that work in concert with one another to display the correct time. Now imagine if twenty of those elements just decided to take a season off, while another dozen didn’t really understand their function, so they didn’t participate in the movement of the watch. All the while there were cogs trying to be pins and wheels trying to be numbers. You can see what a real mees that could create.

See you Sunday,

Nathan Bentley