A Graceful Journey

Douglas Sheppard   -  
I remember growing up that, unfortunately, there would often be neighborhood fights that we as kids would often get into. Never anything major, just scuffles that would break out due to a disagreement, playing too rough, or even over a girl. It would look like two cats going at it for about 20 seconds, then it was over. The really cool thing that would happen is after the melee was over there would always be a shaking of hands and a time of being best friends for a period following the throwdown. Grace was always offered by both sides in an attempt to repair the relationship. It’s been quite a while since my last neighborhood brawl, but I do tend to scuffle quite a bit throughout my journey in life. It looks different though. As a Christian, I tend to let conflict arise until I usually throw a fit, then God has to remind me of His grace. Just as I would become better friends with the other boys after a good fight, God allows difficulties in our lives to draw us closer to Him. Join us this week as we take a look at Psalm 84 and the sweet grace that is given by our Lord Almighty!
Pastor Blake