Summer Camps recap

Mike Shamburg   -  

The first eight days in June was a glorious time for youth up at Tonto Rim Christian Camp. We had 51  students for high school camp and 76 for 5th through 8th grade. They ran tirelessly (ok, they were tired but they kept on going) throughout the days doing various camp activities such as water games, zip-line, paintball, hiking and silly camp games. Most importantly they had a great encounter with God. Our camp fire experience known as victory circle was a great time listening to students speak on how God had spoke to them through their time at camp. Many spoke of how they have grown in their relationship and desire to grow stronger in Him after camp. There were over 20 kids accepting Christ as their savior for the first time.

There were great small group conversations, prayer walks and individual times with God. The conversations were wrapped around four disciples, Peter, John, Stephen and Paul, and how we can identify with each of them in our walks with God. Like Peter, we are still loved by Him and can be used to build the Lord’s kingdom despite our shortcomings. We need to love like John who was worthy in Jesus’ eyes to watch over his mother knowing He would die soon from crucifixion. Knowing that he would probably  be killed, Stephen’s desire was to give those leaders an opportunity to come to Christ and continued to focus on Him even as he was being stoned. And of course Paul, spreading the word no matter what. Relating to all, so that all would hear.

It was a wonderful time in the mountains and God did a great job at both camps, building strong disciples for His kingdom!