Philippines- Barner Christian Academy | Father’s House Facility Update

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Philippines – Barner Christian Academy | Father’s House Facility

Ministry & Mission Update; June 2023

Please pray for clarity and will power, as well as the Holy Spirit’s preparation of hearts to be saved. An anonymous gift of a thousand dollars was given for the youth group to plan a series of evangelistic, door-to-door outreaches. Using the Evangelism Explosion survey form, the two dozen teens and young professionals, this August will go two-by-two to knock on people’s doors and take a Spiritual Survey. However, unlike mere census takers, they will also be armed with answers for spiritual questions the respondents might have. After tabulating the responses from 85 people, they will visit a second time these homes to present the findings and also use this second opportunity to present the Gospel once again. I will also use the results in a standard deviation format to determine statistically the best means to present the Gospel in the neighborhood of the Barner Christian Academy. Please also pray for our tribal campus. After discussing with the building foreman, he is now choosing workers for the next phase of development. The ¼-mile long wall around its perimeter is complete, and in August the 1st building’s foundations will be laid.

“God’s Overflowing Strength is even more obvious to us when we experience challenges in our daily lives.” Nearly a hundred moms, some-day moms & grandmoms listened to Elvie’s Biblical challenge on Saturday, as our church hosted the all-day multi-church Women’s Conference. “God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us! Say AMEN if you agree with God in this promise!” Dozens of ladies in union called out, “AMEN!” Elvie led a cheer for God, “Hip…hip…” & they responded with, “HOORAY!” It was the 2nd day of speaking engagements for Elvie, since on Friday, she was one of the speakers for a seminar attended by BCA’s graduating 6th graders. The topic was, “Self-Awareness”. Elvie had team-taught with the school’s two chaplains, Melvin and Eunice. Its purpose was to challenge the kids, from a Biblical perspective, on the transition they will make from a Christian Elementary School to secular Junior and Senior High Schools. “Never fear,” Challenged Elvie, who is BCA’s school principal, “We will never leave you nor abandon you. We have promised your sponsors that we will guide you and your families personally in your spiritual journeys!”

Each day at BCA for the past three years, beginning just before COVID hit the Philippines, Bobong has been the school security guard. But since he is now bedridden with advanced cancer, his wife Doris, who is one of the school and orphanage secretaries, is doubling as gatekeeper. On Thursday she positioned herself at the West Entrance Gate of the School to receive the kids from their respective buses. After sanitizing (hand washing and temperature checking with no-touch thermo-scan) each student, she inspected his/her uniform, checking if it was complete, clean and their hair was washed and at the proper length. Then the next step was to zip out to pay the campus and guest house utility bills: electric, water, telephone, internet, etc. Then she took an hour barge-ride to the island to pay the same bills for the orphanage, and pick up the kids’ report cards, to send copies to the sponsors. The teachers were positive on the good grades of the orphan kids, but they do tend to occasionally require AA:  “Attitude Adjustments”.

Upon her return, I directed a meeting with BCA’s secretarial staff and administrators to plan for our upcoming absence for the 5-month teaching and speaking tour in the USA. Doris interjected, “It is amazing, the love that you show the kids on both campuses! I can see it in the children’s faces. Even though you are only in the country half of the year, they all know that your time with them is quality, not quantity.” A smile beamed on her face as she once again quoted her favorite phrase, “We all know that the main reason why you are HERE now, is that…” we paused, anticipating her statement, “…is that you are not THERE…yet!”

Ah, and the reason why we are HERE working for our Jesus, is that we are not yet THERE in Heaven with our Jesus…yet!

Until next time…Let the islands rejoice!

Paul & Elvie Barner

Philippines – Barner Christian Academy | Father’s House Facility

Paul & Elvie Barner will be visiting LifePoint Church on Sunday, July 30th

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