Psalm 106

Douglas Sheppard   -  
We have all heard the phrase ‘you get what you pay for’ haven’t we? If you have been a deal shopper your entire life, it’s probably engrained in you every time a purchase is to be made that your first thought is to find the deal. And when you do…excitement! We’re always looking for a deal I suppose but usually this phrase is in the context of paying for a service or maybe a repair of some sort, and yes when buying products or goods and of course when booking that vacation. Not always the case, but if you find the cheapest you might get sub-par work, a product that doesn’t last, or a hotel with green pool water and stale bagels. But hey, at least it was a good deal.
What about God? Have we reduced God to transactions that are the best deal? Over my faith journey when I look back at my relationship with God, I realize so often I have asked Him for cheapened things based on what my worldly eyes want. Maybe you have too. What I failed to understand is what if God was answering my cheap requests, and in turn my soul and spirit over time has been cheapened as well, without even realizing it? Join us this Sunday as we take a look at Psalm 106 and God giving us the cheap things we ask for, but with lasting spiritual consequences that can stay with us a lifetime.
Pastor Blake