Healing Hands Medical Clinic Funding Update

Lifepointaz   -  

Hello LifePoint Church!

First, our team at Healing Hands Medical Clinic (HHMC) would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to LifePoint for their ongoing support as a mission partner. Thank you to the Elders and Pastors who have supported us in so many ways. We also want to thank everyone at LifePoint for your support financially, voluntarily, and in prayer. We are excited for what the Lord has been doing in and through the Clinic and what he will continue to do!

We are also excited to announce that we have officially received our 501c3 letter from the IRS and can fully operate as a Nonprofit organization. LifePoint has so graciously allowed individuals to donate to HHMC through the church while we were waiting for official approval. Without this support, we would not be where we are today. As we continue our partnership with LifePoint, we plan to take on the responsibility of collecting donations specifically for Healing Hands Medical Clinic. Our plan is to phase out donations through LifePoint and allow individuals and organizations to donate directly to HHMC. You can check out our website for more information as we make this transition. https://healinghandsmc.org/donate/

As we move forward, we are grateful for our continued partnership with LifePoint. We will continue as a mission partner and continue to see patients at LifePoint every Wednesday. We have already had the opportunity to serve many patients here at LifePoint, of which half have been covered through our Mission Pay fund. Because of the generous support received from LifePoint as well as individual donations, we have been able to cover the medical costs of these patients completely! What a huge burden lifted when someone can make their health a priority without having to sacrifice other basic expenses like food, clothing, or housing.

Since we started seeing patients at LifePoint, we have been able to minister to, pray with, and connect individuals to churches. We have treated a variety of things including chronic disease management, urgent care needs, sport physicals, and consultations. We have treated some who have never been to a doctor before and others who have never received prayer spoken over them or their loved ones before. We were able to set up a sport’s physical clinic in the community at one of our local schools and see first-hand how many kids are struggling with depression and anxiety. One student was struggling with anxiety due to strained family relationships, and parents were not aware. We were able to minister to this individual and parent and provide valuable resources. We also helped another patient start the process of hospice and through the help of volunteers, were able to put on a praise and worship evening with the family. This was a huge blessing to their family!

A special thank you to our prayer partners. We wouldn’t be where we are without your support. We have personally felt the impact of the prayers while navigating what at times can feel discouraging or frustrating. We have felt the peace of God come over us daily as we walk in His guidance. We know that through these prayers, the Lord is opening the hearts of individuals before they even come to see us, and we have felt the Holy Spirit move as we minister to individuals. We do send prayer requests and praise reports to our prayer partners often on a weekly or biweekly basis. If you would like to join our prayer team, please email us at prayerpartners@healinghandsmc.org.

We have recently launched our new website with an option for Direct Primary Care (DPC) Memberships. We felt the Lord tell us early in this ministry that we would do healthcare differently, part of which is not accepting insurance. You can find out more about DPC on our website www.healinghandsmc.org as well as other options for payment including Mission Pay for anyone who can’t afford care.

Again, thank you to Life Point and our church family for your support and prayers!


Healing Hands Team