My360 Mission Trip Recap

Lifepointaz   -  

This trip has been absolutely extraordinary! We rarely have the privilege of hosting teams with such a remarkable number of men serving. Can you believe it? Out of the seven team members, only two were ladies! But let me tell you, they all had hearts so full of passion for spreading the Love of the Lord that they chose to share the Gospel over putting on shoes. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that!

Our days were jam-packed and bustling with activity. We made sure to pack our lunches so that we could dedicate ourselves to serving the entire day. We embarked on a mission to clean up a local park in Zapata, and boy, did we make a difference! We collected a whopping seven bags of trash and leaves, painted benches to give them a fresh new look, and even had the opportunity to meet and pray for some of the locals. After that, we headed to Colonet for our Shoe Give event, and it was an absolute blast! The joy on the kids’ faces as they played games and received their new shoes was simply priceless. One little boy claimed that the new shoes helped him run faster!

On Saturday, we had the privilege of serving at two very different locations, but what struck us was the deep need we witnessed. It wasn’t just a need for shoes, but also a need for tender hugs and love. Sunday, we were truly blessed and honored to be a part of Marisol’s baptism at a local beach. We had met her at the park earlier in the week, and witnessing her commitment to the Lord was a truly humbling experience. But that’s not all! We also had the incredible opportunity to witness 16 other baptisms. How cool is that! It was a day filled with joy and celebration!

As our stay came to an end, we couldn’t resist one final act of kindness. We spontaneously gave away 10 pairs of shoes and offered prayer to those that watched on. This was definitely one for the books. Thank you to everyone that supported the team from LifePoint! We had such a blast.

Veroncia Thiele, My360 Project Director & The My360 Project Mexico Mission Team 2023