2024 VBS Recap

Mike Shamburg   -  

V.B.S. The Great Jungle Journey

This year’s VBS was another great success, full of fun and God. It was jungle themed so we had vines and animals everywhere. We had five days of coming to know the creation God made and our place in it.  There were all sorts of creative crafts through the week and kids got to once again decorate Bible covers for their own new Bibles. This has become a new tradition for LifePoint VBS. There were great daily lessons on God’s truths along with jungle themed snacks which allowed time to venture off into the prayer room and have a conversation with God. Friday had extra excitement as we brought in a reptile zoo so they could see and touch some pretty awesome examples of God’s creation. Snakes, lizards and tortoise were among the reptilian friends. Some of the adults might have been shying away but the kids loved them. There were games too, of course and they had a fun time being competitive and learning to play fair and stay kind. To end the day they had a drama that incorporated the conversation of the day, tying it all together.

There were almost 200 kids on the jungle journey that brought in around 250 items for Operation Christmas Child, this years mission direction. About 20 young souls came to know Jesus as their Savior and many had a great connection with their heavenly Father through the week. To serve all these kids we had over 75 volunteers running games and craft, serving snacks, teaching lessons, praying with kids, a whole bunch of group leaders and many behind the scenes servants doing the prepping and dirty jobs.

All in all it was a glorious week. We will all take a couple of days to recoup physically but the memories will live on…along with the building of His kingdom.

Mike Shamburg