Four Perspectives, One Message

Nate McBride   -  

What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think about the gospels and the Good News? Is it your favorite parable? The red-letter words spoken by Jesus? The amazing miracles of Jesus? Is it a memory verse you’ve held on to for years?

Maybe this is your first time truly exploring the gospels and fully understanding the Good News. Whatever it is, the 4 gospels always seem to just feel like home. For many of us this is the very place we began our relationship and understanding of who Jesus is.

As we move into this new series I want to push you into deeper prayer, deeper study, deeper worship, and deeper fellowship. Take yourself back to that first time you heard the gospel message. Take yourself back to the first time you partook in communion.

This Sunday we will be setting the table for what’s to come over the “Summer of Good News”. Jumping into the gospels and being refreshed through the birth, life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Whenever you set a table, it’s set with expectation and hope. Who will arrive? What stories will they tell? What will I learn? Who will I meet? As the guests prepare to arrive, they have many of the same questions and more. Jesus often met with those around the table and some of His deepest teachings happened in the same space. I want to push you to step into this series with expectation, hope, excitement, and curiosity. If its your first study on the Gospels I look forward to seeing God reveal to you who He truly is. For the rest of us we get to fall in love with the Gospels all over again!

The Gospels give us a unique ability to see what it is to go from being called by Jesus to a full disciple of Jesus. We get to see the love and power of God. We see the struggles and triumphs of the disciples. We get to hear the words of Jesus and be taught directly by Him. We see the burden Jesus carried for us and the punishment He took on our behalf. The Gospels draw us closer to Him by giving us testimony from those who walked with Him.

I’m excited to share with you all what God has given me for this coming Sunday. As far as reading ahead goes it’s simple. Go find your favorite parts of the gospels and read them. Spend time with your Lord in His Word, prayer, and fellowship. Thank Him. Remind yourself of the Good News. You are forgiven. You are loved. You are His.

Grace and Peace

Pastor Nathan McBride

For a video preview of the new series click