High School Camp Recap

Josh Winters   -  
First, Thank you to all who joined in with Youthlife through your prayers. Summer camp could not have been successful without the outpouring of prayer over it. We had 44 of our 9th-12th graders go up to Tonto Rim Christian Camp. God had surely blessed this time working through the several leaders and our speaker, Ish Cervantes, who was open enough to share his testimony over the course of the week. What power our testimonies have!
The theme of this year’s camp was Ice-o-Lation. Life is full of hardships and sometimes people just feel alone, in a dark place. This is just as true for teens and kids as it is for adults. Many kids left Tonto Rim realizing the hope and love they have in Christ, others found the importance of the people around them!
During the response time 6 hands were raised to rededicate their lives to Christ, and one person felt the call of the Holy Spirit to get baptized out at slide rock! Some might have heard that sicknesses were going around; about 60% of our camp fell sick. That was not enough to minimize what God did there and I’m convinced that this is just the beginning of the ministry God has in store for these teens.
In Him:
Joshua Winters