Debt Free

Tim Ferrara   -  

Do you ever feel like your life is in cruise control?  Like you are going through the motions and time is passing faster than you can cognitively keep up with? This Sunday we will be exploring some profound questions: Are you passionate about Jesus? Why do you love Him? What does it mean to truly serve others? And most importantly, what does it mean to be forgiven?

Have you ever thought about spiritual debt? Just like financial debt, it can weigh us down, but the good news is that Christ has paid it all. There is liberation in truly knowing that you are ‘debt free’ spiritually. It starts by recognizing what we are free from and then moving towards a path of thankfulness.  From this thankfulness, we can do things for the Kingdom of God from a place of love and not doing things for love.

We’ll be looking at the compelling story of the woman who anointed Jesus with oil, as told in Luke chapter 7. Her story is one of deep emotion, profound forgiveness, and passionate love for Jesus. What can we learn from her actions, and how can they transform our own lives?

In our Christian race, we may find ourselves resonating with different characters in the story—whether it’s the critical Pharisee, the casual Christian, or the passionate but guilt-ridden woman. Which one are you, and how can you move towards a more passionate and assured faith in Jesus?

This sermon is an invitation to let go of past burdens and embrace a life of passion and purpose in Christ. We’ll explore how to live confidently in our salvation and serve from a place of genuine love.

Don’t miss this opportunity to deepen your relationship with Jesus and experience the true freedom He offers. Come ready to be inspired and challenged. Let’s gather together to thank and praise Jesus for His incredible gift of salvation!

See you on Sunday!

Tim Ferrara