Get the Kids to School

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In America, families face food insecurity, but SNAP benefits and food banks are available.  In Haiti, many children are at risk of starvation. In your community, people probably fight over school curriculums and how to spend multi-million-dollar budgets.  In Haiti, education is a privilege and a blessing, if you can even find it. The United States enjoys a robust economy, jobs are plentiful, and we fund welfare, housing, and medical benefits for the unemployed.  Haitians struggle daily to survive in the face of low opportunity, ineffective government, and a lack of financial safety nets.

Haitian Christian Ministries has been serving the people of Northern Haiti for over 30 years:

  • HCM schools educate and feed 1,600 children, providing to their families hope for today and a vision for the future.  The lunches these kids receive are likely the best one they will eat all day, and too often is their only meal.
  • The Pillatre medical clinic welcomes the entire surrounding community with gifted hands that provide basic medical services, urgent care, women’s health, and local vaccinations.
  • Our churches bring the Good News to Pillatre and seven smaller communities, revealing salvation in Christ and fellowship for their community.  In a country ignored by other nations, HCM shows Haitians that God’s people love them through prayers, words, and acts.
  • We employ 190 Haitians, creating financially sustainable households and impacting the nearby community.  This is indeed a welcome and needed stimulus for the local economy!

We need your help to continue these good works now and in the future.  Our contributions dropped during the Covid pandemic as some donors drew inward during uncertain times.  Due to even greater instability in Haiti, we have been unable to send mission teams to show new supporters God’s impact there.  Inflation has reached around the globe, but it is especially rampant in a country where resources are scarce. While 1,600 children attend our school and benefit from our meal program, our sponsorships now cover less than 700 of them.  This is placing great stress on our budget, but we do not want to reduce the number of students we serve.

This is where you come in.  Please consider supporting our efforts to serve the people of Haiti, THEN ACT.  The link below will allow you to either give a general contribution to all of our efforts, or to provide funds to sponsor children in school, including our meal program, for about $1 per day.  You will be amazed at how far your dollars go in Haiti!  Recurring donations help us plan and budget more efficiently, but if one-time gifts are how you give, we accept!

“Things never seem to get better in Haiti.”

Over the years I’ve personally witnessed the small victories and numerous setbacks in Haiti.  Just because the country has no finish line for stability doesn’t mean they still don’t need our help.  Haitians have proven to be resilient and grateful in the face of chronic struggles that are not of their own personal doing.  And especially in tough times, HCM donations continue to make huge positive impacts in Pillatre and surrounding communities in Northern Haiti.

If you are already helping us financially, Thank You!  And please consider increasing your General Fund contribution or helping another child (or two, or five) to attend school and benefit from our meal program.  As with any nonprofit, those who currently donate are our primary way to grow support.

Please search your heart and support the families of Haiti with your prayers and deeds.  Thank you.

CONTRIBUTE HERE: General Donation: OR Sponsor a Child:

For more information about our ministries or to discuss a gift, please contact:

LifePoint Churches Haiti Missions Leader & HCM Board Member, Becky Haas at 480-201-7114 /