May They All Be One

Joe Wegert   -  

This week we will be taking a look at my favorite passage in all of scripture.  Whenever I’m asked what my favorite book of the Bible is, I always have the same immediate answer.  The Gospel of John.  In my opinion, more than any other book in the Bible, it shows us the heart of Jesus, both through his words and actions.  And in John 17, we are given a look into the private prayer life of Jesus.  It is an intimate glimpse of what Jesus, the creator and sustainer of all things, truly thinks about himself, the Father, and us.

He says some things you might expect, but he says other things that are difficult to understand and grasp all the ways that they have meaning in our lives.  Prayer comes from the deepest desires of a person and shows what you value.  So what does Jesus value?  He values the Father.  He values us.  He values glory.  And so that’s what we’ll be talking about this week: all the ways that, as disciples of Jesus, this prayer should transform our entire lives and the way that we approach God and each other.


I look forward to seeing you all this Sunday!

Joe Wegert