Philippines Mission Recap

Lifepointaz   -  

When what we thought would be a March 2024, work team trip to the Philippines didn’t turn out that way and even had to be delayed, I pondered the purpose of my going alone. The answer Holy Spirit spoke into my spirit was, “This trip will be relational.” And indeed, it was!

From being present at five two-day VBS programs around Samal Island (groups from 25-70 kids) and at Barner Christian Academy (230 kids!), to intimate focused time with “my kids” at the Father’s House Facility orphanage, to being the conduit which helped bring two parties into reconciliation, to an event at the beach where I got to witness over one hundred believers be baptized and take their first communion together (from the Christian and Missionary Alliance Church’s Metro Davao District), my trip was full to the brim with relational experiences!

And God is never late in His timing! I carried with me the mission donations specified by many of you at LifePoint for the Philippines, and donations from the LP Seniors group, specifically for purchasing a refrigerator for the orphanage, which we did and had over $200 left to buy food to fill that fridge! With the LP funds, we replenished all the kitchen equipment they were lacking (plates, cups, tumblers, spoons and forks, food prep and storage containers, and miscellaneous food prep items) as well as cooking pots/pan (they use an outdoor wood fire “stove”), utensils and serving dishes. God’s timing? Two days after shopping, all the teachers and staff were hosted by the kids at the orphanage for five nights while all those VBS programs took place! And there will be two more teams staying there during July!

More of the funds were used to provide a lechon, roasted pig (the whole thing!) for a special celebration meal at the orphanage, and to take the kids with us to visit with their and my former pastor and his family who had moved away, where we got to swim at a local pool and have a meal together. The balance of the funds left at the end of my stay will buy new foam for the kids’ wood bunkbeds and other essential needs. LifePoint, you blessed the Father’s House kids abundantly!! They thank you!

A great surprise was to see all the improvements they have made at the Father’s House. The hollow block cottage frame built by our last team to go (2018, I think) was finished by a team from Idaho and the interior is beautiful and I got to stay in it! Another use of LP funds went to buy two orbital wall fans (I was very grateful), a folding table, and a dispenser for purified water for the ” LifePoint Cottage”. They do have their deep well and generator fixed, also thanks to two LP folks who sponsored the repairs, but the water comes through limestone and does not sit well for visitors.

Other improvements include a square, cement block fishpond (many hours of digging labor by LP teams created the deep bottom of this pond!), where they are growing catfish, and an aqueduct system from that pond that feeds water across the property to the garden and to the enclosed fowl pen, into the duck pond! There are flowers growing everywhere, there is a guest house being constructed, and soon the visiting teams will pour a cement floor and build a stage and roof, to be used for basketball and as a chapel!

Thank you, LifePoint Church, for being a part of this great Filipino ministry alongside with Pastor Paul and Elvie Barner, the local missionaries. Your prayers and support make it happen! The Barners will be visiting LP in February 2025. You won’t want to miss that!

Trish VanAlstyne, missionary


If you’d like to see more photos from this mission use these links