My360 Mid-year update

Lifepointaz   -  

What’s new?

We’ve seen a few new things this year. Most importantly is our new tagline! If you missed the Live Facebook announcement while at the K-Love Fan Awards in May, you could catch it again on our social media platforms. Darryl announced the new tagline as “BUILDING SHOES * IMPACTING LIVES.” Why the change? Well, that’s simple! It’s who we are and what we do! We feel that this new tagline better reflects our commitment to making a positive impact on the lives of those we serve. We know it’s more than just the shoe, we strive to impact all those we work with, the merchants we purchase from, the families we blessed, and our artisans and overseas staff; it is a true 360-degree impact.

Mid-Year Reporting

Here’s the scoop on where we are mid-year.

  • 2,747 pairs of shoes have been given out thus far. This is exciting since last year we ended the year with 4K and we are set to end this year with 5K!
  • We’ve visited 37 villages and towns and in 5 countries!
  • This year we added 3 new countries for a total of 20 countries impacted by My360project! There’s still time to make it 21!
  • We celebrated the K-Love Fan Awards this year (in May) with almost 400 pairs of Artmox decorated.
  • Our Artmox program is being featured in VBS, public schools, Christian schools, and various locations nationwide. We’ve developed a curriculum to help bridge the gap for those doing the project and those receiving it.
  • We are already booking trips into the summer and fall for 2025! Don’t miss out on getting on a team. There’s still time!

Introducing the Shoe Box Project

We have many projects, and the newest one is our: The Shoebox Project. This newest project is a cool opportunity for the My360 Build Centers to create shoe box kits for tailors in our 2 countries to work from home while still earning money for their families. These kits will have everything needed to make the My360 shoes: fabric, Velcro, vamp catch, and string. The tailors will sew the string into the shoe, attach the vamp catch in the right spot for each size, and put the Velcro on the back, all with straight stitches on their home machines. Once the shoes are done, they’ll come back to the main My360 Build Centers to get the insole, outsole, final trimming, and quality control check.  We’ll have a facility that cuts and assembles the box program for all four sizes. This box project will help My360Project grow production in a new and unique way. We are currently testing out the Box Program in Mexico with Salvador, a gentleman that cares for his elderly mother. Keep an eye on social media to see how being a part of the Box Program has truly impacted his life!

Interested in joining us on a trip? Follow this link: Come on a trip with us!

Text “shoes” to 24365 for more information on what’s going, see our social media, or to give today!

Veronica Thiele; My360 Project Development Director