From Preparation to Action

Nathan Bentley   -  

I look forward to this Sunday with a renewed passion for what God is doing in this church! For three weeks God asked me to rest and because He is loving and knows me, helped make sure that I would rest. At the end of the three weeks as I came to the worship night for men going to the retreat, I felt a charge from the Lord, “It is no longer a time for preparation but for action!” Sometimes, it is hard to tell when to stop preparing for the war that is in front of us and recognize the fight is here.

I felt the Lord give me rest to prepare me to charge forward in the battle against demonic lies, lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes and the pride of life. It is time for us to all make hard decisions and to make a Godly stand for what is righteous, and what is good.

This Sunday we will be looking at Jesus’ words as he prepared his disciples for what lied ahead. I want to look specifically how he went from training and teaching (preparation), to language that was telling them, it’s here, it’s now. No more training, it’s time to fight!

I have been praying for you all week that the Lord would stir up in you a mighty fire of His Spirit in your soul, that you would come to church this weekend ready and longing for what God has for you through our time of corporate worship. However, that time will only be truly fruitful if you begin to pray and call out to Him now.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.


Nathan Bentley