Standing on Holy Ground

Nathan Bentley   -  

On June 2nd of this year, we paused the series, “From Creation to Christ” and left the Israelites in the wilderness, right at the edge of promise. After a dozen spies were sent to scout the promised land of Canaan, all but two of them came back with a report that it would be a death sentence to try and overtake those who inhabited the land. Only Joshua and Caleb believed the promises of Yahweh, that He would deliver them into the land of promise, and so their lives were spared when the Lord brought judgement that the entire generation that left Egypt will not see the promised land. The people became so burdened by this judgement they attempted to take the land apart from God and were destroyed by the Canaanites and Amalekites. Once the adults from that generation had died off, it was time for them to take the land, but it would no longer be Moses leading them in.

The Pentateuch, which is the first 5 books of the Bible, ends with Moses’ commissioning Joshua to lead the Israelites and the final words and death of Moses. We open the book of Joshua with God’s charge to Him and Joshua walking in the new authority that has been given. The people are ready to enter the land, those who are left have spent their entire lives wandering in the wilderness and the idea of having a home fills them with the joy and courage they will need to take hold of the land. But Israel’s new general will need to have a face-to-face meeting with someone before He could lead them to take the land.

I encourage you take time and read Joshua 1-6 this weekend and prepare your hearts for an amazing time of worship, prayer & teaching this Sunday. Come expecting God to move and show up hungry for more of His presence.


Nathan Bentley