Miracles to Mission

Joe Wegert   -  

Have you ever wondered how someone can go from boldness to apathy? To go from being in awe of God’s mighty power to fearful of the world around them? Unfortunately, for those that have been in church for a while, it isn’t uncommon to see a new believer that is so passionate for the gospel turn to indifference after a short amount of time.

This isn’t a new thing for today’s believers.  Elijah stood boldly on Mount Carmel, witnessing God’s consuming fire in a miraculous display of power and victory. Yet, just a chapter later, he’s hiding, overcome with fear and despair, depressed, afraid, and wanting to die. Peter witnessed Jesus’ miracles firsthand—He saw the dead raised, the lame walk, and the blind see. He even vowed to die for Jesus. But when the pressure came, fear won out, and Peter denied Him three times.

What happens in the heart of a believer that leads to this shift?  Why are we so quick to forget everything that God has done? This week we will be seeking the Lord on what it means to live in God’s power, in remembrance of what He’s done, trusting in what he’s doing at this moment, and looking forward to what He will do in the future.

Joe Wegert