A Call to Serve

Mike Shamburg   -  

When I was new in my faith, I called out to God to reach me where I was at. I was in need of a church I could create community with. My life, my marriage and my family were in a great struggle because of this. God heard my prayer and met it in such a fantastic way. My heart was so blessed I had to try to reciprocate that love.

I had an unquenchable fire to serve Him in as many ways as possible. I jumped into areas that needed assistance and eventually gravitated towards the areas of service that God had created for me. I was in the part of the body I was created for.

Here at LifePoint Church we have had several years of ministry areas lacking in number of members to serve the congregation and community adequately. This has left me dumbfounded quite frankly. Numerically we have plenty of adults and older teens within LP to fill all the needs of children’s and guest services yet there is never a time we haven’t had the need to fill open spots. Why is there not a desire to jump into these areas with all our hearts and serve in the areas God has created us for?

We are now and have been in need of more children’s workers. Leaders and teachers are in great need for the age span of babies all the way through sixth grade. The teens can always use more assistance as well. While not everyone is created to serve with children shouldn’t this be a primary concern within the church? Have we not noticed this world around us and what they are trying to push upon our children? Shouldn’t we all desire to train them up strong in the word so they will be able to combat the world for Christ? Do we desire to continually repeat the cycle of our graduates going off into the world, being swayed by the world, then, returning back to their faith in their 30’s and 40’s after years of death and destruction within their lives? Have we not learned yet of the importance of assisting parents in the discipling of their children?

The church is to be known for being welcoming and loving yet there is a struggle for greeters and ushers every week. These serving opportunities only need a qualification of caring, yet each week there is a rush to fill open positions. Church, where are our hearts? Where is our focus? To whom do we serve?

We need to do better church. We need to step up. We need to fill the parts of the body that are missing, make the body healthy.

Our youth and children’s leaders are listed below. If God is calling you to serve in these areas reach out to them and jump into what you have been created for. For usher or greeter reach out to pastor Mike.

Carrie@lifepointaz.com Babies to third grade

Sherrie@lifepointaz.com 4th ,5th,  6th Grade

Josh@lifepointaz.com Middle School

lifepointazteenministry@gmail.com  High School

In His service,

Pastor Mike