A Call to Prayer
We are on the verge of something amazing for the body of Christ. God is moving greatly among us, and I believe this is just the beginning. The problem with a move of God or times of great blessing is that people can fall into apathy and cruise control. In times of fear and hardship, people are often pushed into prayer. The goal is that, as we move into a place where God is moving mightily, we pray out of hunger and desperation for Him.
This Sunday, we will be talking about the calling of every person in the church to be an intercessor. Prayer is communication with God, where we connect with Him, fellowship with Him, and ask Him for the things we need. This is all amazing, and God greatly desires time with you, but there is more to prayer. The Word says in Romans 8:34: “Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us.” How amazing is it that Jesus is our intercessor? As disciples of Jesus, we are called to be intercessors as well.
The Lord co-labors with us in our intercession and how He moves on the earth. Every great revival and move of God on the earth has begun with followers of God who are willing to humble themselves and pray. God can literally start revival and change the world at any moment with one word. However, the history of revival shows us that, although God is all-powerful, He chooses to work through the prayers and obedience of His people. God has created His church to bring change to families, cities, and nations, and that transformation starts with intercession.
Join us this Sunday and learn how to move your prayers from a personal prayer time to co-laboring with the God of the universe to bring change.
Douglas Sheppard