LifeCare HELP WANTED Volunteers are needed for this Saturday’s LifeCare projects. If you’re not familiar with the LifeCare ministry it is...
Men’s Retreat 2022 Greetings Men! Last Sunday we launched registration for the men’s retreat and had over 20 sign-ups. Let’s keep the momentum...
Declan’s update So, here I am again, at the start of another journey, letting my God carry me through nations and peoples that I may do His will. The last...
Who is that Guy Good Day Church! What a great time to be alive. Here in Arizona, the sun is shining, things left in the car instantly turn to goo and the...
Prayer night this Friday On the last Friday of every month, we partner with local churches to come together in prayer for our community, local church, families, and...
Women’s Retreat Recap This last weekend over 160 women went to Tonto Rim for our annual women’s retreat. 88 of those ladies were from LifePoint Church. The...
Our Daily Bread Do you ever pray for God to show up BIG?? Many times, I have been in a place where I want God to show up big and fix a problem or remove an...
Easter Recap What a fantastic and amazing Easter Weekend! From a moving and impactful Good Friday service to an eventful Sunday celebration, we can all...
VBS Volunteers Vacation Bible School is just around the corner and once again you have the opportunity to serve the children in the church and the...