Great is the Lord A Praise of David, and it is a high point of praise. “Psalm 145” is a monumental praise psalm, a fit summary of all David had...
A Graceful Journey I remember growing up that, unfortunately, there would often be neighborhood fights that we as kids would often get into. Never anything...
Worship Night 6/10 6:30p Save the date for June 10th at 6:30pm! Our upcoming worship night is approaching, and I encourage you to mark your calendars. Worship...
A LifeCare Story I was sitting in a quarterly sales meeting for work this week, and were we discussing in depth our “why” behind what we do and...
A Prophet’s Struggle Whenever I read through Elijah’s story, there’s something that draws me in: his relatability. Unlike some other prophets,...
ARM trip recap Arizona Reservation Ministries (ARM) is a wonderful and hands-on way to learn about Apache culture and beliefs. The prayer journey drives...
Meek Before The Proud This week we will be looking at the full response of God to Habakkuk’s second question in chapter 2. Last week we saw the importance and...
Sign up for VBS! Vacation Bible School is this June from the 26th to the 30th, nine to noon. This is a great time for the community to draw to the church as...
The Wait is the Answer How often as a Christian have you heard another Christ follower say, “you just need to wait on the Lord”? What does that mean? How long...